The Value of a Clean Building
Open violations can create a problem during the potential sale of a building or when changing the Certificate of Occupancy (CO). Owners frequently call on Metropolis to clean their building profile for a pending sale—or to correct penalties incurred by tenants. In New York City, for instance, most buildings have some sort of open violation at any given time.
While many violations are posted online, electronic research often reveals an incomplete picture. Certain violations and liens require additional digging.
Some companies specialize in violations research. They’ve automated the process and charge a small fee to deliver a comprehensive list of open violations, including Stop Work Orders, liens, and civil penalties.
Trusted Advisors
Our Compliance Division does more than identify pending violations and penalties. We examine the underlying issue and create a strategy to clear up the problems. When an urban bank branch received multiple sanitation violations month after month, further investigation revealed that the single garbage bin on the corner was insufficient for local foot traffic. The wind would blow trash from the overflowing bin onto bank property. We notified the Sanitation Department about the situation, and they ultimately replaced the open bin with multiple, closed trash receptacles.
Because our experienced team specializes in compliance, we understand how to resolve and pay—or sometimes dismiss—various types of violations. We know which liens and penalties can be waived or reduced and which violations require persistent follow-up. As with our Approvals & Permits and our Sign-Offs, Metropolis clients benefit from the speediest, most cost-effective route to resolve their building issues.