Elevator Requests Going Digital

By Renee Sosnowski

Starting next week, on 9/7/15, requests for copies of elevator applications and Category 3 & 5 Look-up sheets will no longer be done in person at the DOB Elevator Unit.  Customer Service representatives will request that all inquiries be conducted  via email only, to the following email addresses:

Copies of Elevator Applications:  elepermitcopies@buildings.nyc.gov

Category 3 & 5 Look-up Sheets:  elelookup@buildings.nyc.gov

As a reminder: Building owners must have a Category 3 & 5 inspection and test within 3 & 5 years from the month of issuance of a final certificate for a new elevator or within 3 & 5 years from the month of the most recent Category 3&5 inspection and test performed on an existing elevator.

For more information, please click here.