New Submission Process for PER12

By Garvey Thelemaque

A new email submission process for the PER12 Manual Appointment Requests will launch on January 9, 2017. Applicants must submit their PER12 requests for an appointment by email to the SEP Audit and Inspections Unit at After this date, The DOB’s Special Enforcement Program (SEP) Audit and Inspections Unit will no longer accept fax and drop-off submissions.

All PER12 requests must comply with the following guidelines:

  1. A separate form must be submitted for each appointment request.
  2. The reason for the request must be indicated by checking off the appropriate item in Sections 1 to 4, or explain the reason for your request in Section 5 under Comments.
  3. Email subject line and PDF file must be properly named with the same details (subject line and PDF file: job number_ DOB ID#_address)

For example: the job number is 123456789, the DOB ID# is N12345, and the address is 1 Arthur Avenue, the subject line should read ‘123456789_N12345_1 Arthur Avenue’

Every effort will be made to process requests within 48 hours. Once a request has been processed, the applicant will receive an email response with their appointment date and time.  Keep in mind that the formatting and required data is very specific, and any submissions that are incomplete, the PER 12 will not be processed.