New Definition of ‘Major Building’ Expands Site Safety Requirements

New Definition of ‘Major Building’ Expands Site Safety Requirements

By Jaime Pabon

In the latest move to protect public safety, the New York City Building Code definition of a “major building” will change from “an existing or proposed building 10 or more stories or 125 feet or more in height” to “an existing or proposed building 7 or more stories or 75 feet or more in height.” The current additional triggers that classify a property as a major building—a footprint of at least 100,000 s.f.² or designation by the DOB commissioner due to unique hazards of construction or demolition—will remain the same.

This new definition will apply to initial permit requests submitted and initial permits issued on or after December 11, 2024.

Expanded Site Safety Requirements

Reducing the height requirement for major buildings will significantly increase the number of projects subject to site safety requirements. These projects will require the development of a site safety plan and daily site monitoring, which will increase overall construction costs.

The following scopes of work on major buildings require a construction superintendent (CS) and either a site safety manager (SSM) or a site safety coordinator (SSC).

  • New buildings
  • Vertical or horizontal enlargements
  • Full demolition
  • Partial interior demolitions that require mechanical demolition equipment involving more than 50% of the building’s gross floor area OR removal of floors
  • Partial exterior demolition (excluding enlargements or façade work) involving more than 50% of the building’s gross floor area OR removal of floors

The following scopes of work on major buildings require a CS only:

  • Partial interior demolition using only handheld tools and involving more than 50% of the building’s gross floor area or removal of floors
  • Alteration work involving more than 50% of the gross floor area or requiring special inspection for underpinning or protection of excavations

In addition, the following scopes of work require either a site safety manager or site safety coordinator:

  • Partial interior demolition with mechanical demolition equipment NOT involving more than 50% of the gross floor area or removal of floors
  • Partial exterior demolition (excluding enlargements or façade work) NOT involving more than 50% of the gross floor area of removal of floors

Façade Safety Requirements Unchanged

The new definition will not affect façade work, which will continue to require a site safety manager for work on buildings that exceed 14 stories or 200 feet in height.

To discuss how this change will affect your property, or for help securing permits before the December 11 deadline, contact Metropolis Group at 212.233.6344.