Development Hub: Process & Progress
By Frank Fortino
Recently, the Metropolis team met with the Development HUB directors to discuss the platform’s progress as well as address some issues to make everything work smoother on a daily basis.
The Development HUB was created to facilitate faster approvals and permits by utilizing technology and electronic submissions of plans. Since launching, the HUB has gone through several iterations, each making the process more streamlined and efficient.
The HUB Development process begins with a request for a consultation, which can be waived for projects that do not have any obstacles to obtain approval. In such cases, you can file documents as soon as they are ready, directly into the system.
Energy Compliance is a standard part of the initial filing, and can be complicated. A completed set of construction drawings will start the process, showing Energy Envelop Compliance of the building, until the additional Energy Compliance documents are produced.
The overall examination process has improved greatly in recent months.
Today, we can actually obtain first and second Zoning review within a shorter time than it takes for the initial filings.
Appointment requests are more efficient, as is plan examiner productivity. The backlog cited by early users of the Development HUB is being minimized due to a separate program that places accountable deadlines on each review. This has helped to expedite the completion of open reviews.
Class 2 Filing representatives can attend the virtual plan examination appointments without the design applicant being present, unless an in-person HUB plan examination is requested or required.
Email communication with the Development HUB organizers and plan examiners has improved, and they are available to answer any request during business hours.
Finally, filing a Post Approval Amendment for Approved Projects is quicker than ever. These Amendments may be reviewed before the scheduled appointment take place, with plan examiners not required to wait for an appointment to review the Post Approval Amendment already submitted.
In our view, the Development HUB continues to improve with every update. It is helping us achieve the collective goal of more collaboration, with more efficiency. Ultimately, this moves everything forward at a faster pace.
For more details and to review a presentation from Fred Mosher, Deputy Commissioner of Development, please click here.