Local Law 154 of 2017 Updates Tenant Protection Plan Requirements

By Penny Laughlin

Effective December 28, 2017, Local Law 154 of 2017 will amend the Administrative Code requirements for Tenant Protection Plans (TPPs). The changes require more detailed information regarding measures taken to protect tenant safety and health. In addition, the amendments address owner responsibilities for distributing TPP notices and notifying the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB).

More Details, Please

DOB will update the TPP form to require owners to specify the means and methods used to safeguard the safety and health of occupants during construction work. Consequently, owners will need to coordinate with construction management to obtain this detailed information. The new language makes it clear that terms like “code-compliant,” “legal,” and “protected in accordance with law” may not be used as placeholders.

The local law expands existing requirements by mandating that TPPs specify the means and methods used for maintaining essential services (e.g., heat, hot water, gas, electricity, etc.) throughout the construction period. Again, this information requires coordination between owners and construction teams. The TPP must also clearly state the expected duration of any disruption to these services—provided such disruption is anticipated—as well as including the means and methods used to minimize the disruption.

Distribution and Notification

The amendment now includes requirements governing distribution of TPP notices and DOB notification.

In addition to providing TPPs to building tenants upon request, owners must either 1) distribute a notice about the TPP to each occupied dwelling unit or 2) post a notice in the building lobby and on each floor within 10 feet of the elevator, or the main stairwell if the building has no elevator.

TPP notices must include:

  • A statement that building occupants may request a hard copy of the TPP from the owner or access the TPP on the DOB website;
  • Name and contact information of the Site Safety Manager, Site Safety Coordinator, or Construction Superintendent, as applicable; or, in the absence of these roles, the name and contact information of the building owner or the owner’s designee; and
  • A statement that work-related complaints may be made to 311

Finally, owners must notify the DOB 72 hours before starting construction work in a building with a TPP. DOB will add an online notification form to the agency’s website on December 28, 2017.

If you have any questions, please call Metropolis at 212.233.6433.